
Ultron's Short Story: Where Have He Gone?

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The first emotion she felt was of panic when there was only the empty table left. No broken bot, no connection to the batteries; Ultron was just gone. Incredulously, Yue just stood there and stared for a moment, mouth slack as the possibilities ran rampant through her mind. Did she just royally fuck up by giving him a life and sight back? Where could have he gone? Was she creating another AI rebellion? Her knees were beginning to go weak, vision blurring with the thoughts of having to report back to work. Sorry guys, I just unleashed Ultron back into the world while on vacation! For anyone else watching the stock-frozen engineer, they would just see her holding onto the door with white-tensed knuckles, wavering slightly on her feet as she just stared blankly into the shed. It wasn't until the mechanical voice piqued up behind her that Yue practically jumped in place, letting out a little scream of surprise. "What in the- Oh," she yelped in shock, clutching one hand against her chest while she quickly whipped around, only to have her gaze turn downwards in dumbfound amazement at seeing Ultron with two arms securely attached to his torso. …show more content…

Though, she supposed just reattaching an arm wasn't too much of a big deal, but just the sheer supplies already gathered and how much more refined the bot looked now... Well, the smile on her face down at him was of absolute respect as she chuckled wryly. "A few things done is a bit of an understatement, don't you think?" she teased down at him, holding the door open for the AI to pull himself through before her eyes now looked over him with a more scrutinizing

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