
It's Nestled Away: A Narrative Fiction

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Nestled away in his stolen police cruiser, Michael tended to his wounds. The limitations of his human form was a drawback that irritated him to no end, but he knew he would only have to put up with this husk he was in for a little longer. Liam was with the witches, and their power only lasted for as long as they were in Mount Harrison, and like any castle under siege, they would be only able to push back an invasion for so long—ultimately, all fortifications falls. About a half mile down the road, the demons were gathering. Unsuccessful in their first attempt to procure the child, Michael knew they would be better prepared this go around. A major and two captains were now among the group that he could see. A couple of real bad souls, they were, which …show more content…

Along with the spirit he found, he did manage to procure a supply kit equipped with gauze, bandages, and skin glue that would help seal up his wound. Grunting as he pressed the white cloths against the side of his head, the bandages quickly absorbed the crimson liquid that was already beginning to dry and thicken in his hair. Once satisfied that the wound would no longer be a hindrance, Michael threw the soiled pieces of gauze on the floor of the cruiser where they piled up in a heap. Red and orange flame then burst from his lighter as Michael lit his cigar exhaling the smoke out the window. Visions of swooping in and ripping the gathering demons limb from limb began dancing in his thoughts as he watched them congregate from afar. The urge was strong, but he knew he had to suppress it, they were better to him alive than dead. Soon, they would make their move and restart their assault on the witches’ home hoping to penetrate its defenses. Better they sacrifice themselves; at least in their numbers they may be able to weaken or possibly even kill the

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