
Ivan Denisovich Essay

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In the stories that i have read, culture is one of the main center of the storyline of how the story goes and many of the controversies that happen is because of the culture that become the problems between two sides. In the story of Ivan Denisovich, the culture that happen during that time is bad guys, regardless of the level of crime that they commit, is treated like a highest level of crime. The main problem that the zeks and guard have is the lack of humanity and justice towards the zeks. The zeks are treated very unjust. The prisoners can’t even say their opinion toward how the guard run the gulag. The guards, with their authority to give punishments, give punishments according to their own will, not the rules. What the prisoners are …show more content…

Today, I eat a good portion of food everyday and usually complain that there is less meat in some meal. Just by reading this story, I can only imagine how hard it is for Shukov to get a slice of bread. What I see is that beside similarities, the culture back then can also have a big difference compared to today’s …show more content…

One of them is the guards that didn’t care about how cold the weather is for the zeks and this becomes one of the problem occurring in throughout the story. The guard treats the zeks inhumanely and without mercy. The guard is too strict with the rules and the rules itself can be one the things that triggered more suffering in the story. Rules such as no extra clothes during work makes the zeks suffer more in the cold. The cold here is not just the normal cold we feel in winter because it’s colder. The prison was in Russia and it was winter time. Back then, global warming was not that much of a problem unlike today. So what is cold today, is not cold back then. In this story, the temperature was minus thirty degrees and the people inside The Gulag will experience this extreme temperature every day for the whole winter. Can you imagine how cold it is at that time? Sometimes we can’t even stand the cold of winter, even with tens of layers of

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