
Jake Harris Attack Essay

Decent Essays

Shocking news came out yesterday that Jake Harris of Deadliest Catch was attacked and thrown out of a car. His brother Josh shared on Facebook about what happened when it went down. As The Inquisitr shared, Jake was in ICU and had a cracked skull from the attack. Jake shared saying his brother Jake also was bleeding out of his brain and has brain trauma.

Now Seattle Times is giving an update sharing that the police are involved just like Josh Harris said and that they are looking into the attackers. The Everett Police Department is sharing details about the attack on Jake and their part in the case. Aaron Snell, a police spokesman, revealed some about Jake Harris' case.

"On Saturday at 8 p.m., we received a report of a male victim of an …show more content…

Jake was taken home by the police, but then later he went to the hospital. Snell said family or friends took him. A Providence Regional Medical Center spokeswoman said Harris was in "satisfactory condition."

Josh Harris shared about his brother Jake's attack yesterday and then later he also posted another video on Facebook with a bit of an update. The last time that Josh spoke out was twenty hours ago, so fans are hoping that he will share more soon. This latest post was about seven minutes long as Josh shared that a friend of his is a bounty hunter and this person shared that they have been looking for the guys that attacked his brother Jake Harris for a while now. He also shared that Jake couldn't talk very well after the attack when he identified pictures of the people who attacked them.

At the time of the video, Josh Harris shared that they are very normal just like everyone else. The Harris family isn't on the new season of Deadliest Catch, and he shared that he is sad about that, but it is a great show and that they have some things in the mix. Josh even shared that he doesn't know if his brother was messed up when this all went down. He said he talked to the suspect on the phone, but it doesn't sound like he got very far talking to him. It turns out that they know where the suspect is at, but that the police aren't quite ready to catch him because they want to build the case around him.

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