
Jamaica Retirement Trip

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Jamaica: My Retirement Trip As soon as the tour group left the plane in Montego Bay, Jamaica, the second largest city after Kingston, I could tell the weather was warmer than in Ohio. I expected it to be more humid, but it wasn’t, perhaps because of the winds from the Caribbean Sea. I was pleased, since I do not like sweltering hot weather. Jamaican photographs were displayed at the arrival gate, and I stopped to view them more than those in my tour group did. Although Jamaica is a third-world country, it struck me how many of the people in the pictures were smiling, and other pictures had children playing. A Jamaican photographer who grew up on the bay did the exhibit. He told a story through his pictures; it was like a picture history. The captivating display gave me my initial glimpse of Jamaica, and I looked forward to …show more content…

Local residents stood on the side of the road to catch a bus or taxi with no stop signs. I thought about how standing in the hot sun for long periods of time wasn’t good for me, so if I had used public transportation it would have to be on less sunny days. Their buses looked like vans back home, and people were crammed in them like sardines. I would not like that, but if I lived there I would have to get used to it, or find other means of transportation. Homes, palm trees, and small businesses lined the sides of the highway. The appearance of the structures lacked luster, and the island didn’t have the amenities of a contemporary city, which I didn’t expect, since I had been to the Caribbean before. Some people sold their wares and fruit in small stands as a source of income. Although I did not consider myself a salesperson, I would have to develop that skill, if I lived there, because I would rather work for myself at this point in my

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