
James Crawford And David Smith: A Short Story

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James Crawford and David Smith, two lifelong friends, had been through a time of prosperity during the Roaring Twenties. James, who was distinctly older than Bruce, had hair the color of sand and eyes of frozen, clean ice. David, with his trademark unkempt hair and stubble beard, had a tragic past. He had lost his house in a fire, and turned to the markets to get back his life, which left a burning scar in his life. For over three years, David had lived with James. He enjoyed spending more time with his friend whom he has known since the third grade. David thought he would get his life back. With over $50,000 invested, David could not have lost his money at a worse time. As soon as he thought his like would peak, an avalanche buried his chances. “Why is everybody crowding on Wall Street?”, David had pondered. Nothing had really …show more content…

James, pale as a sheet, walked toward the kitchen, shaking his head. “The market’s crashed. Everyone has lost everything.” James stated. “Nobody knows how it happened, but it sure did.” David broke down into a cloud of tears and explicit language. “Why me? I always lose everything!” He walked out to the balcony, and saw people running in the street. Their trampling feet had startled the pigeons, one of them running straight into a building. James, trying to console David, had not really helped. David had always had a history of never finding a way to get past a tragic event, because of all the events that had happened to him. For the next five weeks, they had gone to different places, getting free oatmeal, bread, and coffee. However, this only came once a week. “We need to get jobs,” James declared. “There’s a job fair on Saturday. Let’s go early to get our money’s worth.” “Alrighty,” David agreed. For the next five days, the weather had been dreary. Rain splattered everywhere, creating a clear graffiti along the pavement, which mirrored whomever looked at

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