
James Mangold's Girl Interrupted

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Girl Interrupted released in 1999 is a multi award winning film directed by James Mangold. It centres around eighteen year old Susanna Kaysen, who was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder and consequentially institutionalised at Claymoore mental hospital. The film is set in the late 1960’s and focuses on her experience and struggle of being admitted to a mental institution following a failed suicide attempt.

The main character of this film Susanna Kaysen (played by Winona Ryder) is diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). The 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual categorises BPD to be a persistent pattern of unstable interpersonal relationships, mood and self-image, as well as distinct impulsive behaviour (Spectrum BPD, 2016). This behaviour can be seen though a number of symptoms, unstable relationships usually involve travelling from extreme attachment to extreme hatred; impulsive behaviour can be seen though spending sprees, unsafe sex, substance abuse and binge eating. In addition, other …show more content…

The main behaviour this stigma encourages is creating a need to distance themselves with the sufferer (Yasgur, 2015). There are a number of explanations for the negative stigma associated with BPD, as any other psychological illness it is easy to believe that the sufferer is making it up as they are responsible for the actions/symptoms (Yasgur, 2015). In the film Susanna’s parents became embarrassed by her disorder and admission into a mental hospital, they appeared quite nervous when hearing about her release date. It can be assumed this anxiety is associated with the pressure of explaining where Susana has been and her current mental health. This was seen when Susanna’s father asked the psychiatrist “It’s almost christmas, what are we supposed to say to the people back home who love

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