
James Weldon Johnson 's Narrative Of An Former Colored Man By F. Scott Fitzgerald

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In the James Weldon Johnson’s “Audio biography of an Ex-Colored Man”, Jonhson’s narrator at face first is written to be perceived as a white male, when in fact he is inherently of colored descent in regards to societies principle of the one drop policy. Consequently, the narrator is faced with an identity complex who finds it difficult to understand whether he is black because of societies has categorized him on the account of his bloodline, or white because of his appearance. For in the end of the novel, he makes the conscious decision to pass as white. Yet in erasing the traces of his his negro descent, this questions whether the narrator’s decision violates particular morals in “passing” as white. Or whether the narrator’s decision demonstrates that one must recreate themselves out of necessity to liberate themselves from societies categorization, in order for the individual to obtain their desired concept of happiness. For the notion of recreating oneself through concealing traces of the past to progress towards a future goal is understood in F.Scotts Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”. For lowly Jimmy Gatz is given an opportunity to recreate himself as Jay Gatbsy, yet can only do so through concealing his past identity from society. Yet in effect this enables Gatbsy to progress towards his idealized future. Therefore, this paper will the combine significant similarities between the two novels, to argue how the modes of recreation is an essential concept in progressing

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