
Jane Austen 's Pride And Prejudice

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In today 's society, many social issues plague individuals and communities around the world due to their injustices. In most cases, these social issues can be traced back years, and even centuries. It can be surprising to realize that these injustices continue to occur in today 's world just as they have for several years. Arranged marriage is a social issue that regularly occurred during the Romantic period in England and continues to be an issue today’s cultures and society, causing the unhappiness and social prejudices to remain in today’s world as they did in 19th century England. During England’s Romantic period, arranged marriages between young men and women were customary and of much importance, allowing the custom to be influential and reflected in the culture and literature of the time period. The 1813 novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, a story of how an unlikely match overcomes the obstacles of social prejudices and the couple’s own vanity to find happiness, exemplifies the problems this custom caused and how it impacted society. The relationships and interactions between people of differing social classes in this novel allow readers to understand the impact of this issue during that time. People in 19th century England found the practice of arranged marriages as a ritual and the norm, ultimately resulting in sacrifices of happiness and causing social prejudices to be inevitable. Arranged marriages in the Romantic period were considered business deals,

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