
Japan 's Policy Making Scenario

Decent Essays

1. Introduction

Japan has been in dangerous situation financially. Total amount of national debt has been expanding along with the governmental expenditure mainly because of the aging population. Therefore, in near future, my country will encounter tax reformation including the increasing the income tax and consumption rate. In this essay, by using a legitimacy framework and an equality framework I will show that each of these Japan’s taxation policy will be justified. First, I will give a brief explanation about policy-making scenario. Next, I will argue the legitimacy of imposing a tax from the point of a legitimacy framework. Finally, I will assert the necessity of the redistribution of wealth including the ideal way of redistribution by using an equality framework as a main part of this essay.

2. Policy-making scenario

Japan is facing with fiscal deficit; the worst situation in the OECE countries. Debt-GDP rate in Japan is more than 230% in FY2015, which is more than double compared to the UK (97%). Because of this, it is compulsory for our nation to implement dramatic tax reform in next couple of years. The scenario I will encounter will be increasing income tax rate especially for wealthy people, which will make income tax system more progressive, and consumption tax, which is equivalent to VAT in the UK, rate. Along with the increasing the consumption tax rate, the government is considering introducing reduced consumption tax rate only for food because food is

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