
Japanese Culture In Japan

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Social Analysis Japanese culture is a blend of modern western culture and traditional Asian culture (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan, n.d.) And great value is placed on the need for harmony, consensus decision-making and social conformity and especially close co-operation between government and private enterprise, this emphasis on consensus will need to be taken into account in business negotiations (Griffin & Pustay, 2015, p. 61) Positive market aspects are Japan’s high! Education levels, with universal elementary education and literacy (Abe, 2013; Institute of Export, 2015). However, problem workforce skill levels should the need arise to employ local labour with 83% of employers having problems filling vacancies; these positions include sales representative, engineers and IT staff (Manpower Group, 2015). This may require sourcing staff from Australia. Should this be the case it will be necessary to apply for a certificate of eligibility and a visa for periods of 3 months, up to 5 years, processing for this usually takes 3 months (Embassy of Japan in Australia, 2014). The population is ageing and increasingly health-conscious, which provide greater scope for products promoting health benefits such as SAFCOl ready to eat tuna meals (Austrade, 2016). Japan has a sizeable middle class with the affluence to afford imported food products. (Griffin & Pustay, 2015, p. 191). Since 1945 popular culture, including music, fashions and foods have seen western influence, with

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