
Japanese Internment Camps

Decent Essays

Japanese interment camps, if you're like me, are unheard of. The camps happened during World War II. It was a sad situation that America seems to hide because there is no way to justify what they did. American citizens had their rights stripped away before their eyes. They were treated awful despite what the Constitution said. Japanese interment camps began after the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor. The repercussions of Pearl Harbor stereotyped Japanese people as untrustworthy. In February of 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued the Executive Order 9066. It permitted the military to find a way around the constitutional safeguards of the American citizens. It was a form of "protection" for America. This led to the arrests of many Japanese Americans, citizen or non-citizen. They were forced to leave their jobs and many faced public attacks. Nearly two-thirds of the internees were U.S. citizens. There were a total of 127,000 relocated into the camps altogether. After President Roosevelt issued the Executive Order 9066, he also authorized the evacuation and relocation of people from military bases. California, Washington, and Oregon were all declared military areas. This is when the process of relocating the Japanese began. Relocations were very upsetting and confusing. Japanese were required to register and receive a number of identification. The only had a few days to gather all that they could carry from their homes and businesses. Until the camps were finished being

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