
Japanese Internment Camps

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The Second World War was an international event which drastically impacted the world as a whole. With the war came a new found sense of mistrust throughout society. American and Canadian communities were divided due to the fear of espionage and sabotage, forms of spying which could help aid the enemy in war. This division promoted distrust, discrimination and violence toward Japanese immigrants and their children. To offset these fears resulting from war, Japanese Americans and Japanese Canadian citizens were forced into internment camps, resulting in a heightened sense of tension upon arrival home and finally the compensations of both US and Canadian governments By 1942, the tensions of war had drastically impacted both American and Canadian communities. The spread of xenophobia, the fear of espionage and sabotage, had gripped both nations, bringing with it Anti-Japanese propaganda. The threat of internal security after Pearl Harbor in 1941, and a growing fear of future attacks from Japan led president Franklin D. Roosevelt to introduce a policy known as ‘Executive Order 9066’. Executive Order 9066 was very similar to Prime Minister Mackenzie King’s in the early 1940s. These two policies allowed broth governments to relocate first generation Japanese immigrants called Issei and children of first generation Japanese immigrants called Nisei; to desolate areas of the country. In total 100,000 Japanese Americans and 22,000 Japanese Canadians were relocated. Beyond propaganda,

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