
Jasper Jones Quotes To Show Courage

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It is important to be courageous to show people the true braver and how far people will go for something. In the book Jasper Jones. Charlie and his friends had several courageous acts.

One these courageous acts that stood out to me the most was when Charlie decided to help jasper so he wouldn’t get into trouble. This is courageous because it shows the risk that Charlie is willing to take for someone he doesn’t even know. This is also courageous because Charlie had no idea where he was going or what would happen to him. This is a quote to support his courageous act “ Okay, you riot? You ready?” Jasper doesn’t respond. He turns and sets off. I follow”(Silvey 2). This supports Charlie being courageous because he decided to make the decision to help someone he doesn’t know. …show more content…

Later in the book Charlie make another courageous act by telling Eliza what he did and saw. This supports my second reason for Charlie being courageous because it shows that Charlie is letting go of the pain he’s been carrying around. He shows to Eliza that he is a good person and cares about what happened and her. This supports Charlie’s courage pg (270) “ “in there?” “ Yeah.” “He threw her in the water?” I almost bite my lip clean through. “We both did. We both did it. I was here too. He brought me back here that same night.” Before this quote Charlie told us that he could’ve made up the whole stormy so that Eliza wouldn’t hate him and still like him. Instead Charlie gathered up all the courage he had left and told her everything he and Jasper know and did that night like she told

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