
Act Of Courageousness

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Society is filled with heroes that inspire others with their acts of selflessness and strength. These heroes show great courage in their doing. One may wonder, what is courage? To be courageous is to commit an act because it is right, and to persevere. Committing an act because it is right is an enormous part of being courageous. An example of this, from the article “An Act of Courage”, by Lauren Green, is what Rosa Parks did for the black community. According to the previously mentioned article, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man. Parks’ actions were driven by her conscience, her awareness of right and wrong. She was not simply tired, or having a dismal day. Parks refused to stand on that bus because she was well aware that she needed to stand up for what was right. To add another example of this aspect of courageousness, one could take …show more content…

A fantastic example of this facet of courage can be found in a previously mentioned article by Rosanne Scott, “Monuments Men Foundation for the Preservation of Art”. Appearing in the article is the brave and courageous deeds of the Monuments Men. This faction of men and women, as previously mentioned, protected art before and during World War II. The author states in this article that “Long before World War II began, Hitler had planned the systematic looting of Europe’s finest museums and private collections. Thanks, in large part, to the Monuments Men, he wasn’t entirely successful.” The unit of 345 men and women entered areas that they were aware had been ordered to be bombed, purely to save an artistic legacy. These men and women had such skill and determination that they rescued Leonardo da Vinci’s painting Last Supper, which was painted on a wall at Santa Maria delle Grazie. In fact, the wall on which Last Supper was painted was the only wall left standing after a

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