Society is filled with heroes that inspire others with their acts of selflessness and strength. These heroes show great courage in their doing. One may wonder, what is courage? To be courageous is to commit an act because it is right, and to persevere. Committing an act because it is right is an enormous part of being courageous. An example of this, from the article “An Act of Courage”, by Lauren Green, is what Rosa Parks did for the black community. According to the previously mentioned article, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man. Parks’ actions were driven by her conscience, her awareness of right and wrong. She was not simply tired, or having a dismal day. Parks refused to stand on that bus because she was well aware that she needed to stand up for what was right. To add another example of this aspect of courageousness, one could take …show more content…
A fantastic example of this facet of courage can be found in a previously mentioned article by Rosanne Scott, “Monuments Men Foundation for the Preservation of Art”. Appearing in the article is the brave and courageous deeds of the Monuments Men. This faction of men and women, as previously mentioned, protected art before and during World War II. The author states in this article that “Long before World War II began, Hitler had planned the systematic looting of Europe’s finest museums and private collections. Thanks, in large part, to the Monuments Men, he wasn’t entirely successful.” The unit of 345 men and women entered areas that they were aware had been ordered to be bombed, purely to save an artistic legacy. These men and women had such skill and determination that they rescued Leonardo da Vinci’s painting Last Supper, which was painted on a wall at Santa Maria delle Grazie. In fact, the wall on which Last Supper was painted was the only wall left standing after a
Courage is a cardinal virtue every human being needs. Courage is doing something frightening you are for the right being even if you are alone in your belief. Many regular humans have used courage also. For example Dr. Martin Luther King jr. stood up for all African Americans, even though almost everyone did not agree with him. He eventually helped end segregation by raising awareness. Sadly, Dr. Martin Luther King jr. was killed just for his beliefs. Today we celebrate a holiday for his great bravery. Bravery is a synonym of courage.
The word courage has been tossed around for centuries. From Christopher Columbus to Drake. The definition is knowing that something scares the living daylights out of you, but facing it anyway. The thing is, there are many different ways to look at courage. For example, perhaps a book about courage. Let's take The Schwa Was Here by Neal Shusterman. The book relates to courage because it show many examples of it by explaining some dares, challenges and messes two kids, one half Invisible, go through. The main person who shows courage is The Schwa, because he has to listen to a bothersome story, sneak into a cranky mans house, even though the whole town is scared of it, and gets in trouble with airport security.
One good example of courage is in Homer's epic poem, “The Odyssey,” when Odysseus enters the Cyclops’ cave. In the epic poem Odysseus and his men enter the Cyclops cave and the text states “We climbed, then, briskly to the cave. But Cyclops had gone afield..." (Homer 157-158). This example demonstrates that Odysseus enters a Cyclops cave and is not fearful. Odysseus enters the cave because he sees treasure and wants to get it for him and his crew. Odysseus chooses to enter the cave even though he knew the cave was the Cyclops home and this demonstrates courage, and this is why the trait should be encouraged. Another good example of courage that sticks out is Newton Knight, who chooses to help slaves even though he lives in the south during the Civil War. In the Editors’s article, “Newton Knight,” Knight chooses to stop fighting for the Confederate Army and goes back to his hometown to help slaves, as the text states “They saw themselves as defending the residents of Jones County from the Confederacy” ( Editors 1). Therefore, this example demonstrates that Knight chooses to fight against the Confederate Army even though he lives in Mississippi. It takes a lot of courage to go up against the Confederate Army even though he lived in the south and almost everyone was against him. It should
Many people act courageously everyday and, have been since humanity came to be. Proof of this bravery can be found in Elie Wiesel's Night: During the torturous time of the holocaust, while Elie was being escorted to another camp by cattle car; he describes the death of
Someone else who had shown courage throughout their life is Robert F. Kennedy. He was the U.S. attorney general from 1961 to 1964 and then went on to be a U.S. senator in New York from 1965 to 1968. Robert F. Kennedy was always trying to do the right thing. “He hated losing. He hated evil.” (Aronson 63). Kennedy seemed to always do the right thing, when he saw something wrong he would do his best to right it. “Bobby could not rely on Hoover , or on the word of the state governor he sent five hundred federal marshals to take charge.” (Aronson 112). Kennedy was always ready to take charge. In the incident that had taken place he had shown he was a fighter because he was already doing what he could to put a stop to it because he believed that
People who are courageous are able to achieve their goals, to stand up and to have their say in what is right and what is wrong. They might’ve made mistakes in life, but if they are willing to reach it, they will get up and try again, becoming stronger than ever at trying to pursue their goals.
True bravery is when you’re aware that the odds are against you, however, you have the ability to persevere through it. Even though you don’t want to complete the task ahead of you, an inner force brings you the motivation to do it. Sincere courageousness doesn’t always entail violence; in fact, courage comes from the choices made within that affect yourself or those around you. The outcome may not always be to your advantage, but
In the face of danger, heroes often show courage and perseverance to achieve their goals. There are many aspects that denote courageousness. To start, bravery is defined as having the strength to act in spite of undeniable fear or pain. On another note, courage can also be seen in people who overcome suffering and better their lives. Additionally, the trait of valor is demonstrated by speaking out and standing against injustice or evil because it is the ethical behavior, even if one stands alone.
Throughout history, there have been countless times whenre individuals have courageously fought for change and societal justice. For instance, Gandhi helped India gain their independence, even though the circumstances were extremely risky for him, and could have led to his arrest or even death. However, he continued to persevere through it all, and was able to accomplish great things for his country. Another example is Malala Yousafzai, who promoted the education of girls in her country. Despite the clear threat of the Taliban, she continued to fight hard for her cause. Courage can be defined in many different ways, such as the ability to persevere and accomplish something in a frightening or risky situation. Examples of courage can be seen all around the world. Without courageous people, society would not have been able to improve. Being courageous is difficult, and requires an abundance of dedication and perseverance. It also includes remaining strong, despite the challenges that may occur along the way.
We all have opportunities to display courage in our life, but if we actually do is our decision. Courage is being able to do what is right even if it can be hard. In the book Speak by Laurie Halle Anderson I found three different examples of courage. In this book Melinda Sordino, David Petrakis and Melinda, again all show courage.
Courage in simple words means an act of bravery. Everyone has their own definition, for some the meaning is much more complicated for others it's very simple. When I think of someone who is courageous I think of my Dad and military individuals people who have fought for their country. People like doctors and scientists people who don't think about themselves when faced with a choice to give up. My definition of courage is a person that has the strength needed to do the unthinkable. Certainly, that is not just it. Courage takes a bigger picture of an act of bravery. When one is courageous enough to do what is right, he earned the utmost respect of human spirit. While some may see being courageous has to be doing a big thing, it boils down to a thing as small as saying “Sorry, I was
A courageous action most often is associated with reaching a goal or task of importance, despite the dangers even risks associated with it (“Courage”). For any specific act to be considered truly courageous it must be reasonably thought about and determined that the goal is well worth the risk or danger (“Courage”). Courage so often can be put with words such as heroic, and bravery although with courage there can be a fine line between courageous acts and plain foolishness. All this can make people believe that courage only applies to physical actions. There are two kinds of courage moral and physical in many cases they are both displayed in a single courageous act; however, bravery must come before all else, because they are associated with reaching a task of importance regardless of risk.
Courage can be described in other words such as endurance, fearlessness, and heroism. Courage can come in many different forms. Courage is an example of your own personal will, and determination. Having courage proves that we can believe in our self, it can show us the strength we thought we never had. Its takes a lot of bravery to overcome a fear or trial. We all face different hardships in our lives like losing a loved one, running out of gas on the side of the road, or trying to study for 4 different tests at the same time for college students. Courage is the strength someone needs to manage their pain or sadness that they might be going through. Courage can be performed through powerful acts, or minor acts. A great act of courage would
Jackie Robinson demonstrated this character trait when he started to play major league baseball and endure racial threats from fans and teammates. For example, according to the text “Hero” “When he was summoned by history, he risked his safety and sanity to give history the last full measure of his strength, nerve, and perseverance.” (Scott) This shows courage because he had to take the racial threats and harmful words and not fight back. Knowing something bad could happen. This made Jackie Robinson a successful civil rights advocate because he showed what people of color could do without
Courage is a necessity to overcome fears and achieve a desired goal. Fear is something that exists in all of us. There is no hero or any particular courageous figure that is without fear. Being fearless is not required to be courageous, one simply has to look past or overcome their fears to possess this great quality. When overcoming fears and going against the norm, there are always risks involved. There are different types of risks that come about. Someone could risk life or limb, while others risk their reputation. Either risk is serious enough that a person must have courage to endure that particular risk. Courage can occur anytime, anywhere, and often in our everyday lives. Everyone will experience courage no matter how young,