
Jay Gatsby Quotes

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On one hand, the two men may have something in common, but on the other hand, Tom displays the true horror of human beings who purposely allow innocent men to suffer the consequence of a murder they did not commit, yet the book counters his darkness with the light of Jay Gatsby’s genuine kindness towards people.
Jay Gatsby, a mysterious yet extremely wealthy man living in a lavish mansion in the West Egg, where no one knows how he go there, what he does, or how he makes his money. Since the first time Gatsby encountered Daisy he has never completely rid himself of her despite the fact she has started a life of her own. He’s known for throwing quite the party every week in hopes that Daisy would end up at one. He believes that if she sees him that she will go back to him like nothing has changed. Gatsby made his riches through criminal activity, because he was willing to do anything to gain the social stance in which he felt was …show more content…

He also was born financially stable from his well known family. His social attitudes are laced with racist and sexist opinions and thoughts , he has never once considered living to the moral standard he demands from those around him. Tom hurts other people and doesn’t think twice about it. He also could have prevented both Gatsby and Wilson’s deaths, but chose not to. It seems he has no problem with it. In-depth, Tom is a cocky and arrogant man whereas Gatsby is a loyal and good-hearted man.
Both Gatsby and Tom live a very flashy life. They’re both able to flaunt and spend money anytime they want. They can both be spotted at a party, Gatsby, more laid back and elegant than most, while Tom on the other hand lives every moment to the fullest as soon as it presents itself. Both Tom and Gatsby’s dreams have been unjust in the manner in which they tried to achieve them. This resulted from the crazy desire for money and

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