
Jdee Pride And Prejudice Quotes

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Context After her classmates carried out a cruel prank on their teacher, Jodee who was friends with them at the time felt guilty of not doing anything to stop it. Accepting their rude behavior towards others and moving on without standing up for the victims of their cruelty was the only way to stay in the popular group of students. Being the bystander who meant no harm but never did anything to stop the bullying, Jodee felt responsible for the actions of her, “friends” as if she was the main bully herself. Not knowing what to do, she asked her grandmother for advice, and that is who the quote is derived from. Jodee’s conversation with her grandmother was an important part of the book. In a subtle way, it explained one of the reasons why Jodee always tried to treat everyone with respect. She did not want to do anything that she knew she would regret in the future. Analysis …show more content…

Throughout the novel, Jodee often found herself in situations where she had to choose between what was right and what was going to make her popular among others. In most cases she had to decide whether she wanted to hurt another person’s feelings in order to fit in, or stay kind and respectful and become an outcast. Following the words of her grandmother, Jodee always tried to choose the first option in order to keep her conscience clear. The quote is trying to tell the reader that feelings such as sadness or loneliness fade away with time, but guilt can haunt a person forever and affect a person’s whole life, because no one has the power to go back in time to fix their mistakes. The bad things a person does will never disappear from history and will follow the person until the rest of their

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