
Jealousy Is A Driving Motive In Othello

Decent Essays

Jealousy is a driving motive in Othello, it is an emotion that causes brawls throughout the novel. In William Shakespeare’s introduction of Othello, he emphasizes Roderigo’s love for Desdemona and how far he is willing to go for her love, to this statement, Iago’s reacts and proclaims the hatred he feels towards Othello. Iago claims that the major reason for the root of his hatred is the fact that Othello promoted Michael Cassio, a man with no prior experience in war as lieutenant, while Iago has been a loyal servant in battle and contains recommendation of the three great ones, he is deprived of this privilege. Shakespeare uses this scene to evoke a feeling of resentment in the reader and makes them realize that jealousy is a powerful emotion that drives many to commit irrational decisions, just like it drove Iago to plot revenge against Othello for his misdeed. …show more content…

For instance, he goes in look for Desdemona’s father and advises him that they are “making beasts with two backs”, meaning they are having sexual relations. He presents a balanced view on what the response would be to the decision Othello made. I believe Shakespeare does a magnificent job of portraying these actions, it is human instinct to desire anything more than what you already have, especially when one thinks they deserve it. Yet, he overlooks the fact that Iago seeks revenge towards Othello and not towards the person that took his spot,

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