
Piaget Second Substage

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Jean Piaget is a famous developmental psychologist who was born in Neuchâtel, Switzerland (Presnell, 1999). He was the first psychologist to do an organized study of cognitive development and before his studies, it was commonly thought that children were less capable thinkers than adults. After doing many observations on his own three children and other kids, he has concluded that children think in differing ways than adults (McLeod, 2009). Piaget was seeking to find how children think about the world at different points in their development and how systematic changes occur in their thinking (Santrock, 2015). He developed the theory of cognitive development that states, “children actively construct their understanding of the world and go …show more content…

Secondary circular reactions is the third substage of Piaget’s sensorimotor stage. It occurs from four months to eight months and includes repeating pleasing actions that involve objects and the baby’s own body (McLeod, 2010). Two examples of the secondary circular reactions substage are, when an infant shakes a rattle for the pleasure of hearing the sound and when an infant coos to make a person stay near them. The fourth substage happens from eight to twelve months and is known as coordination of secondary circular reactions. During this substage, the infant now shows that they can use their knowledge to reach a goal (McLeod, 2010). The infant is now able to know to use a stick to bring a toy within reaching capacity (Santrock, 2015). Tertiary circular reactions, novelty, and curiosity occurs from twelve months to eighteen months and is the fifth substage of the sensorimotor stage. In the fifth substage, infants become interested in the many effects of objects and what they can make the objects do; such as spinning a block, making it fall, sliding it across the ground, and hitting another object (Santrock, 2015). Piaget’s last substage of the sensorimotor stage is internalization of schemes, this lasts from eighteen months to twenty-four months. Once infants reach this last substage, they can form mental representations of objects and “develop the ability to use primitive

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