
Jeanette's Neglect In The Glass Castle

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Imagine coming home everyday and not knowing if you will eat, be abused or even move somewhere else and leave everything behind. This is what Jeanette had to go through everyday of her childhood. In the book The Glass Castle Jeanette's family was not like any other. Her father was bringing her family everywhere because he was on the run. Jeanette lived with her mother, father and 2 siblings, Lisa and Brian. Jeanette's childhood was very full of neglect and force. She had to become very independent as a child. This impacted her future in a positive way because she knew how to take care of herself.
Through her childhood, Jeanette had to take care of herself a lot. In addition, being poor made her feel embarrassed so in her future she struggled …show more content…

Her parents failed to take care of themselves and their family. They ran from town to town and left it to the kids to do a lot of things for themselves. Sometimes, they would be left in dangerous situations without there parents. Neglect was shown in this scene when Brian was being sexually assaulted by his own grandma. When the parents came home they failed to do anything about it and yelled at the kids for it. “Brian’s a man, he can take care of it... I don't want to hear another word of this do you hear me?” (148). As a parent, if anything like this were to happen to them like this situation, it should be automatic to get them out of their as soon as you can and never let it happen again. They did the opposite by yelling at the kids for doing it, they did absolutely nothing wrong. Later, the kids learn they will never let their kids go hungry after experiencing their parents was of life. “You can go hungry every once and awhile bus once you eat, you’re okay.” (188). Parents are supposed to support, offer and take care of their children. Letting your kids go hungry has failed your parenting. After all the things these kids have been through, they need a stable environment to be in. Since Jeanette's parents don't work hard to get money she gets a job at the watch shop and watches her budget. “It was my first real job. Babysitting and tutoring and doing other kids’ homework and mowing lawns and redeeming bottles and selling scrap metal didn't count. Forty dollars a week was serious money.” (215). Jeanette was amazed by the money she was earning. She finally could earn money for herself instead of having to trust her parents to get money. Having to go off on her own and find a way to support herself was probably so exciting for Jeanette because she no longer had to worry about

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