
Jeannette Walls Quotes

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Jeannette Walls had an extremely unique childhood that included tons of adventures, fun, and interesting events. However, it was not all good. It was full of confusion, suffering, hunger, pain, and hardships. Rose Mary and Rex Walls were not exactly ideal parents, but they cared for their children deeply and Jeannette, Lori, and Brian would not be the people they are today without what happened to them years ago. To some extent, Rose Mary and Rex are not awful parents. Jeannette, on her birthday, comments about her dad: “So I was surprised when, on the day I turned ten, Dad took me outside to the back patio and asked what I wanted most in the world. ‘It's a special occasion, seeing as how it puts you into double digits,’ he said…. if there's …show more content…

This is apparent when Jeannette says, “Mom always said people worried too much about their children. Suffering when you're young is good for you, she said”(p 28). In a way, Rosemary is right- if there was no bad in life, there would be no good- but this quote also shows that she doesn’t care about them as much as a “regular” parent would. Sometimes, Rose Mary’s compassion for her kids shows, such as when Rex was drunk and insulting her, and she said, “‘Don't you make fun of me or my children!’ Mom yelled. ‘Some babies are premature. Mine were all postmature. That's why they're so smart. Their brains had longer to develop’”(p 42). Rose Mary compliments her kids, and starts to defend them. This is a common theme when it comes to Jeannette’s mother- on the first day of school, Jeannette remembers that “ She marched confidently into the principal's office with us in tow and informed him that he would have the pleasure of enrolling two of the brightest, most creative children in America in his school”(p 136). Rose Mary likes to brag about how smart her children are. Without Rex, Rose Mary would most likely be a mess, since she only cares about her children when it comes to school or a dangerous

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