
Essay on Jefferson wears a tie

Decent Essays

1. Summary
The story Jefferson wears a tie is about a man called Jefferson. His occupation is that he works as a sales administration manager at a firm. He is quite good and skilled doing his job and got quite the potential. He is a creature of habit in what he does, and driven by his routines. He struggles to work hard and to finish his deadlines but all that changes. He starts to put less time in his work and lacks that determination he once had. He shows up late for work and acts differently during the day and quickly people at his work start to notice this sudden change and noticing him a bit more than usual. That starts a bit of a chain reaction at work, people starts to talk about him behind his back and the rumor about him getting …show more content…

It’s an admirable process that our main character goes though. He starts from being quiet and dissatisfied to evolving into a confident man that does whatever he pleases.

3. Comment on the environment at Jefferson’s workplace.
The environment seems to be a quite common workplace in an office. A place also where nothing really matters in a way, there are all these fancy job titles and the boss has clearly no idea about what his employees are doing, or how they are doing it. The social aspect seems to lack in this place and judging by there are a few that talks and dreams about vacations to get away from the place.

4. In a short essay (150-200 words) discuss why some people rebel against the norms and others conform to the rules. Relate your discussion in the text.
The reason I think why the most people adapts to the norms it’s because, it’s actually the easiest thing to do. But then, it’s hardest for the person to fall out from these norms because you risk being judged by other people. It’s also a good way of laying of the responsibility that you got for yourself, just obey orders like Jefferson and do what pleases other. People tend to be stuck at doing things their way, some people does not necessary embrace change into their life. They are at their comfort zone, safe doing the things

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