
Jeffersonian Era: Choosing between His Principles and Domestic Affairs

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Thomas Jefferson held firmly to his principles and ideals but the practical reality of leadership forced Jefferson to make decisions for the best interest of the country. When Jefferson was elected adjustments had to be made to the economy and new acts had to be composed in an effort to the United States safe. Events would take place in America where Jefferson would have to determine if should follow his principles or abandon them in domestic affairs. Jefferson was a pacifist at heart, and did his best to keep the United States out of foreign conflicts and entangling. His ideals were peaceful but at points he would have to violate these ideals. Jefferson envisioned a land of agriculture and where government would have minimal power over …show more content…

The embargo also acted as economic coercion. By buying the Louisiana Purchase it doubled the size of America and it was the biggest bargain in American history averaging 3 cents per acre.
Events would take place in America where Jefferson would have to determine if he should follow his principles or abandon them in domestic affairs. The former federalist government had passed the Sedition and Alien act which went against republican principles. The sedition act that anyone who slandered the policies of the government officials or president would be liable to imprisonment this act was geared toward the republicans. As soon as Jefferson became president he pardoned all those who were serving under the Sedition Act. The Alien Act raised the residence requirements for aliens who wanted to become citizens from five to fourteen years, this law violated the republican policy of open-door hospitality and speedy assimilation. Jefferson returned the naturalization law to 5 years instead of 14 for immigrants. Otherwise Jefferson continued to keep the old Federalist principles he dismissed few federalist officials from government. With these mild reforms Jefferson showed that a change in government did not have to be catastrophic for the departing group. Jefferson also got rid of the excise tax, which he felt put an unnecessary burden on farmers. Jefferson had a fear of large armies because

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