
Jeffrey Dahmer: A Closer Look

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Jeffrey Dahmer: A Closer Look Jeffrey Dahmer was responsible for a series of horrific murders of seventeen young men from 1988 until he was caught on July 22, 1991, in Milwaukee. This single individual grabbed the attention of the entire nation and brought to light the idea that no one in society should be trusted. Although Dahmer presented himself to be a normal yet quiet man, the horrendous details of this 23 year old case are enough to frighten and test the paranoia of many. Jeffrey Dahmer aided in destroying America’s trust in society through his unmerciful ways yet calming and seemingly normal demeanor. Jeffrey Dahmer was born on May 21, 1960, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to Lionel and Joyce Dahmer (Crime According to a …show more content…

The majority of his victims were strangled. Jeffrey Dahmer collected body parts from his victims as a type of trophy and took pictures as souvenirs which were later used for his own sexual arousal. This Modus Operandi (techniques used to commit a crime) was the exact way that Dahmer destroyed America’s trust in society. The public was fooled by Dahmer and his demeanor. Although a little strange through his teen years, Dahmer seemed to be a normal American man from a small town with no intent to kill a soul. Just as Dahmer’s victims were tricked and lured by his quiet and calm mannerisms, so was America. When discussing Jeffrey Dahmer, one question comes to mind; “What would cause a man to completely lose his mind in such a terrible way?” According to, Dahmers murders were based on fantasies. These fantasies were often about homosexual desires and sadistic needs to be in control of the victim. His methods of controlling the bodies of his victims included injecting boiling water and acid into their skulls, none of which worked but rather instantly killed them. Holding in these strong temptations is what may have pushed Dahmer off the edge and into a twisted life of sick, uncontrollable killings.
What made Jeffrey Dahmer so different from any other serial killer? It wasn’t the amount of men murdered, nor the ways of luring the victims in. What made Dahmer so unique was the trust embedded

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