
Jelle Kennedy: Borderline Mental Illness

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Jaynelle Kennedy is a 21 years old First Nation’s woman currently experiencing some issues with social services. She has 2 boys, both under age 10. She grew up in Winnipeg and always lived in poverty, she recalls stealing from the Safeway just, so she could eat. Jaynelle claims to have no problems with drugs and drinking at the beginning of the documentary and that she wouldn’t go down that path. Jaynelle is on welfare and faces many struggles with poverty, she also moves frequently (usually with new boyfriends). Jaynelle was adopted at age 11, but still remains in contact with her biological mother, Edna Jawbone. She also states she was molested while in the care of her biological mom, by her baby sitter. Jaynelle also has borderline personality …show more content…

First, her borderline personality disorder can make her more vulnerable to the issue of being “alone.” For example, Edna put Jaynelle up for adoption, Edna feared that Jaynelle would feel “abandoned” which I think Jaynelle does. According to the DSM-5, borderline personality is categorized as “Frantic efforts to avoid real or image abandonment, pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships, impulsivity, affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood and inappropriate anger.” (Diagnostic criteria for 301.83). Her mental illness seems to exacerbate her already existing problems, as shown in her phone call to the police when she is fed up with the lack of care she is receiving. She tells the police to come get her kids as she can’t care for them; another aspect of Borderline personality disorder is the concept of “splitting” or black and white thinking. (Diagnostic criteria for 301.83) When Jaynelle didn’t think she was receiving the help she needed, it was her black and white thinking that pushed her to call the police; that’s a very extreme move for the …show more content…

Jaynelle is obvious with her displeasure at social services and how no one is willing to help her. Social workers should help clients feel comfortable and competent in their ability to navigate social services, and be wiling to disprove any false truths about social workers. After Jaynelle is comfortable with social workers and a more understanding of how social services works, we can move on to the type of help Jaynelle needs: Mental illness assistance.

Mental Illness Assistance

Borderline personality disorder can include many aspects: instability in mood regulation, impulse control, difficulties in interpersonal relationships and self-image. (Lieb et al, 2004) Jaynelle has experienced all of these at some time in her life. She grew up stealing from Safeway to be able to eat, uprooting her family to move with multiple boyfriends, and she overreacts when she thinks she is being slighted by social services. She is quick to anger and lashes out when provoked.

Jaynelle needs to start attending regular therapy for her Borderline personality issues; DBT therapy seems to be the most popular for Borderline. This will help her to learn coping mechanisms for her anger and she can have an easier time controlling her

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