
Jerry Spinelli Stargirl Quotes

Decent Essays

The book, Stargirl, by Jerry Spinelli, taught me several lessons. While reading the book, I noticed that one of the main themes of the novel was the importance of being yourself. Or in other words, not letting what others think determine who you are. Stargirl is the perfect example of this. It is very hard to get Stargirl to change. She stays true to herself throughout the majority of the book. Mica High is stunned by her resilience. They see how thoughtful and kind she is, and how no matter what they say, she’s still herself. They didn’t like her originality. They felt threatened by someone so different from what they were used to. But in the end, I think they all learned the same lessons as me.
Stargirl doesn’t care about what others think. …show more content…

When basketball season came around, things started to shift gears. Stargirl, now on the cheerleading squad, was cheering not only for Mica High, but for the opposing team as well. Coincidentally, Mica High’s basketball team was on a winning streak. At the end of the regular season, they were undefeated. Everyone at Mica High thought they were going to win the state championship, but in the tournament, they lost. Everyone blamed it on Stargirl. This quote on page 66 describes the schools hatred for her. “Stargirl’s eyes filled the camera. Don’t cry, I prayed. There was no stopping Hillari. ‘You want to cheer for other schools? Fine! Go there! Don’t come to my school. Get outta my school!’” Mica High now shunned both Stargirl and Leo for several months. At the Ocotillo Ball, things changed. Throughout the night, people started to realize that Stargirl wasn’t so bad. Suddenly, people started to worry less about what others were thinking about them, and more about how much fun they were having. Stargirl taught them how to be themselves again. And this time, it was permanent. These two quotes from page 185 describe some of the things she taught them. “The high school now has a club called the Sunflowers. To join, you have to sign an agreement promising to do ‘one nice thing per day for someone other than myself.’” “At every game, when the opposing team scores its first basket, a small group of Electrons fans

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