
Jesus And The Holy Of Thorns

Decent Essays

Jesus shed blood in a fourth place when a crown of thorns was placed on His head. Matthew 27:29 NIV tells us that a "braided crown of thorns was placed on His head," and the Roman soldiers mocked Him saying, "Hail, King of the Jews!" Bleeding from the thorns that were pushed into His head, Jesus restored your peace of mind. Remember? "The chastisement of our peace was upon Him," (Isaiah 53:5 KJV). The blood that Jesus shed from the crown of thorns is capable of releasing all of the strongholds in your mind. Things that would otherwise hold you back, and keep you in confusion and weighted down; Jesus took care of all of that before He ever got to the Cross. Praise God! You have always been on His mind, and He knew that sometimes you were going to need Him to lead you to victory on the battlefield of your own mind and against yourself.

The fifth place that Jesus bled from was His hands. His hands were pierced through with nails, and He bled for your transgressions. "But He was pierced for our transgressions," Isaiah 53:5 NASB. He bled from His hands; so that you might prosper. He broke the curse from the work of your hands; so that your labor could be blessed. This is a true blessing indeed, because we are told in Genesis 1:26-28 that God had placed all dominion and authority into the hands of Adam and Eve. They lost their dominion and authority to Satan. Since then, we have always had to work for our food and shelter. With the blood covered hands of Jesus, you are able to

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