
Jewish Antisemitism

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According to the United States Memorial Museum antisemitism means prejudice against or hatred of Jews. Jews are a religious Judaist group who trace their origin all the way back to biblical times. For many centuries Jews were depicted as agents of the devil, and were also blamed for the death of Jesus Christ. Blaming the Jews for constant world problems and tragedies were of the norm. Although they were spelled completely from the Christian society, Jews still maintained their religious beliefs and social customs. All throughout the middle ages Jews were portrayed and viewed as aliens and were regarded as usurers. Nevertheless, many Jews managed to enter the Christian world and become prominent citizens. …show more content…

Economic anti-semitism towards the Jews arose tremendously. Anti-Semites like Henry Ford claimed that Jews controlled the world finances. Also it was said that Jews were savages and that “are temperamentally incapable of performing honest labor” and that they are “seeking to rule the financial system.” “At first, they were described as "scurrilous, stupid, and tight-fisted", but soon after they arose financially and managed to establish themselves in the middle- and upper-classes in Europe anti-semites started to view Jews as being smart and manipulative individuals waiting to take over. After World War I the country of Germany was economically devastated. The Treaty of Versailles imposed huge economic reparation on Germany. It was not an easy time for Germany. Looking for somebody to blame most of Germany accused the Jews for the country’s problems. Hitler viewed Jews as the source of all evil, and blamed them for Germany’s misfortunes. Soon After the Nazi party took over anti- Jewish measures were everywhere. Jewish business owners were deprived of their businesses. Jews were defined, expected to wear a golden Star in their attire in order to distinguish themselves from non-Jews. They were excluded from schools, and from holding public professions. Often times they were subjected to public humiliation. Few really could have imagined what was yet to come. Hitler and his Nazi collaborators took antisemitism to a whole other degree of

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