
Jim Crow Laws In The 1920's

Decent Essays

The Jim Crow Laws were a harsh set of laws set in the early 1800s due to a fictional character known as Jim Crow. The white government passed these laws because they couldn’t accept the differences between them and the African Americans. Jim Crow was a very dark skinned character with a goofy outfit and very thick lips, the way that the whites portrayed the blacks racistly and stereotypically back then. These set of laws made life very hard for the African American race.
Around the time of segregation, the whites made signs saying “whites only”, making sure colored people weren’t allowed to go to the same school, ride the same side of the bus, drink from the same water fountain, and many more. They were always looked at the wrong way due …show more content…

stated that he had a dream that one day all the little black boys and all the little white boys and all the little black girls and all the little white girls could join hands together without being discriminated due to the color of their skin. He knew that the Jim Crow laws were ruining their innocent lives, so he stood up for the children of America, as well as the adults, because he strongly believed that the Jim Crow laws were unjust and wrong. Ms. Callahan stated, “These laws were unfair because it assured that African Americans didn’t have as wealthy of a life as the whites because they weren’t getting paid as much as the whites were being that the whites wanted to ‘prove’ that even though slavery was abolished, they still had ‘dominance’ over colored people.” In other words, whites were getting paid a lot more than colored people were. According to the page found on, it was quoted that “It shall be unlawful for a negro and white person to play together or in company with each other in any game of cards or dice, dominoes or checkers.” It is unknown who stated this, but it was stated in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1930. This just goes to show how much African Americans were frowned upon during the Jim Crow …show more content…

If it wasn’t for the many boycotts and mobs, these laws would more than likely still occur to this very day. They originally started off as a joke. a play to “entertain” others, but they soon got recognised as a “smart movement,” and became accepted in society as the new common era. It ruined the lives of many and even ended a large number of them.
Whites were killing off blacks for something as simple as “sitting on the wrong side of the bus” or “talking to the wrong person’s child.” The whites were just looking for little excuses to take someone’s life. The killings varied from house burnings to shooting to even something as old fashioned as hanging. They would even go as far as to kill someone in front of their own family. Our nation’s history is not one of many peaceful memories. A lot of lives were lost, tears shed, bullets wasted, and houses and stores burned to the ground. All for a piece of land and power. Most of our history had to do with hatred on

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