
Jimmy Santiago Baca Coming Into Language Summary

Decent Essays

In the essay “Coming into Language”, the author Jimmy Santiago Baca expresses how he used reading and writing as an escape to his reality. He begins by talking about his first engagement with books during his night shifts at the hospital where he was working. During this time, Baca would only look at the pictures in books because he didn’t know how to read. He found a book on Chicano history and found his true identity. It was from then on that Baca found he felt free reading and expressing himself on paper. When he first went to prison at the age of seventeen and heard the inmates reading aloud together is when he ironically said, “Never had I felt such freedom as in that dormitory.” (Baca, 1992, pg52) This quote is an example of Baca feeling …show more content…

Baca writes, “ Through language I was free. I could respond, escape, indulge; embrace or reject earth or the cosmos.” (Baca, 1992, pg55) Baca found a voice that allowed him to express himself and that is how he was setting himself free. Later in the paragraph Baca refers to his childhood saying, “The child in the dark room of my heart, that had never been able to find or reach the light switch, flickered it on now; and I found in the room a stranger, myself, who had waited so many year to speak again.” (Baca, 1992, pg55) In my opinion I believe this is the most powerful quote to describe Baca’s engagement of being released from his ordinary world in prison. Since as a child Baca did not know how to read or write, he didn’t know his inner voice. Baca found his inner voice through language and childhood Baca that could not reach the light switch because he didn’t know how to read and write could now reach it. This quote can really make someone picture Baca as an innocent boy that was unable to do things back then because he didn’t know how to read and write, being able to do them now but now he’s stuck in prison. It feels Baca went through a cycle or

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