
John Adams Letter Rhetorical Analysis

Decent Essays

If there had ever been a quick wit to match that of the great John Adams one would more often than not look toward the many distinguished men of the revolution however behind every strong man is an equally strong woman. In the letter written by Abigail Adams to John Adams the reader quickly becomes aware that Mrs. Adams was no push over behind the pen. She just like her husband John can easily be seen as a linguistic weaver moving from serious hard-pressed questioning to a more “And, by the way” (Abigail Adams 349) here’s what I want mentality. It is almost humorous to see their letters to one another due to the fact that numerous people hold John Adams on a pedestal when in reality he had to deal with domestic problems just like …show more content…

Instead of coming outright and just telling John what she desires she tells him that she cannot wait until independence is declared this more likely than not is to play upon what he wants so that perhaps if she praises him then he will give her what she hopes for. This is where the reader sees “And, by the way” (Abigail Adams 349) which is where the letter shifts from weaving in and out of what Abagail wants, general information of home life, and what she thinks to wholly focusing on what is her true purpose is behind the maze of words and rhetoric. Mrs. Adams leads in by saying “And, by the way, in the new code of laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make, I desire you would remember the ladies and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors.” (Abagail Adams 349) without hesitation she states that she wishes for women to have more power in their government. If one really takes hold to decipher the comment of “than your ancestors” it almost seems as if Abigail in this context is outright saying that men are all power hungry savages who must have complete control. She continues on with “If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation.” (349 Abagail Adams) at this point she has left her previous realm of safely poking and trying to persuade John and has now fully announced her intentions behind the

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