
John Bach Essay

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s was probably the beginning of Bach’s individual experience with choral music, and for several years he continued to sing in choirs. At the age of fifteen, Bach left Ohrdruff and began to provide for himself. His career began when he obtained a position in the choir of the wealthy Michaelis monastery at Lüneburg, which was known to provide a free place for boys who were poor but with musical talent, and he earned a monthly salary of twelve groschen. Bach was praised for his unique soprano voice in Lüneburg, was a member of the top choir, and had opportunities of taking part in the works of interesting eighteenth-century composers, including Heinrich Schutz, Scheidt, Pachelbel. When he lost his soprano voice, he became a violinist in the orchestra, and played accompaniment on the harpsichord. A major influence in his life was Georg Böhm, who was the organist at St. John’s Church. Böhm was taught by the famous musician John Adam Reinken, who was the organist at St. Catherine in Hamburg. This influenced Bach to take multiple trips to Hamburg, a city with a cosmopolitan atmosphere and where music flourished. He was able to listen to the great Reincken, and even wrote organ tablatures of his work. Even as a teenager, it was clear that Bach was dedicated to his craft. He also came under the …show more content…

The boarding school there had students ages 11-20, that made at least four choirs for the churches of the town. A cantata was required for the church services on Sundays and additional church holidays during the liturgical year. Of the more than three hundred cantatas which Bach composed in Leipzig, over one hundred have been lost. The school choirs performed at weddings and funerals to receive extra income for these groups; it was probably for this purpose, and for in-school training, that he wrote at least six

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