
John Dassey's Making Of A Murderer

Decent Essays

Making Of A Murderer was a Netflix documentary about a man named Steven Avery who was convicted of the murder of Teresa Halbach, along with his 16 year old nephew Brendon Dassey. I believe Dassey shouldn’t have been tried for murdering Teresa Halbach for many reasons such as, his mental capacity, the police interrogation tactics used on him, and the inconsistencies in his story and testimony.

Brendan Dassey had a low-IQ, and in his head he thought that if he gave the police the answers they wanted to hear they would let him go back home and he wouldn’t be in any trouble. The majority of sixteen year olds have an IQ of about a hundred, Dassey had an IQ of a seventy. Judge David Hamilton even goes to say “Obviously, there were vague promises of leniency” (Kertscher). With Dassey believing he was doing the right thing and giving the police what they wanted he was willing to say whatever he had to, to please the officers. Brendon wasn’t mentally capable to be questioned or to be tried for this crime in general. His mental capacity being so low causes him to be easily taken advantage of and manipulated.

In episode 3 of Making a Murderer, they questioned Dassey and during this time the police would say what happened first and the Dassey would begin to put a word into it. They were “making him say stuff.” “They kept on and on …show more content…

His own admittance to the crime of Teresa is what convicted Dassey. There wasn’t one single bit of forensics to tie him to the murder. When questioned ,”Brendan Dassey admitted in a four-hour confession to raping, killing and dismembering 25-year-old Teresa Halbach with his uncle, Steven Avery”(Abramovitch). Later on Brendon goes to say it never happened. There were many more inconsistencies and changes to his testimony throughout his trial and time in prison, and because of this I don’t believe he should’ve been

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