
John Dewey's Theory Of Education, And Progressive Education

Decent Essays

For as long as one can recall, students have been attending school and learning the basic skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic because it has been mandatory. From the start of this routine existence, communities possessed one room building where a single teacher educated the assorted ages of prodigies. Those students learned to read, write, and calculate math problems in the same manner as their parents and grandparents before them. Through the same mundane process of repetition, students also learned history, vocabulary, and geography. This style of learning did nothing to help the students understand what they were learning but simply to measure the strength of their memory. The ideas of John Dewey have helped educators understand how his theory has changed the way teachers educate their students and how applying practical activities will better prepare students for the real world.
John Dewey As time has progressed, John Dewey has introduced in education a philosophy known as pragmatism, which “pragmatists believe that reality must by experienced” (Pavlis, 2017, p. 24). Dewey’s thoughts on education analyzes both traditional and progressive education. Traditional education mainly focuses on curriculum, which sets the learning path students take throughout their educational years. On the contrary, progressive education focuses “on the students’ interests” (Aliya, 2015, p. 193). Dewey believed that traditional education was too strict and progressive education was too

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