
John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address

Decent Essays

During his presidential campaign, John F. Kennedy vowed to strengthen American military forces and promised a tough stance versus the Soviet Union and its communist satellites. In the 1960s, tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union was increasing and a nuclear arms race had already begun. When the Soviets placed missiles in Cuba, the two superpowers nearly went to war, but this was avoided thanks to Kennedy’s ability to negotiate out of major crisis. The president’s speech refers to the effects of Cold War and the nuclear arms race like in paragraph thirteen: “both sides...rightly alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom, yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror”(Kennedy). Again, he addresses the tension between the Communists and the free world, requesting “that both sides begin anew quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction”(Kennedy). Here he is asking rival …show more content…

Kennedy gave his Presidential inaugural address, which was filled with national pride, and is arguably one of the best speeches in the 20th century. Kennedy’s diction played a huge role in his address. Words like “forebears,” and “beachhead” grant his speech an elevated state of ethos. Using older words allows Kennedy to connect with an older time period when those words were used, and also create a link to modern time. The president’s diction can also be seen with his use of metaphors such as when he declaimed that “those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.” This metaphor referred to countries that found themselves allying with a dictatorial country, and soon became its victim. Abstract and polysyllabic words included: freedom, poverty, loyalty, and sacrifice. By using these abstract words, a serious tone is detected and Kennedy is able to evoke emotions in the audience with words they can

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