
John Keats's Ode To A Nightingale And Romantic Expressivism

Decent Essays

Christopher Bell
September 24, 2017
ENGL 204
Dr. Callis
John Keats’s “Ode to a Nightingale” and Romantic Expressivism John Keats's "Ode to a Nightingale" is one of the most recognized and studied pieces of poetry from the 19th century, with the critic Allen Tate even going on to say that this ode "at least tries to say everything that a poet can say (Vendler)." Keats was an educated writer and knew very well what he was talking about and was able to do amazing things with a simple string of words. Keats’s piece is written in the time of Romantic Expressivism and every word that he writes inside of “Ode to a Nightingale” accurately portrays the themes and concepts of this time period – briefness of our time on earth, mortality, a different and sometimes confusing look at the world around us (whether through our own eyes or some force on us), nature and all of its beauty, and the words that contain the strength to transport the reader to another place or time. In order to understand Keats’s “Ode to a Nightingale” and how it connects to Romantic Expressivism, we first need to understand what Romantic Expressivism is and how it was created. The last major poet to write in the 18th Century was Alexander Pope. He believed over was built into the universe inside of the great chain of being. He believed there was a natural order stretching down from God and the angels to the lowest form of life on earth. After him, writers, such as Keats, came along to question this thought and

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