
John Marshall: The Most Influential Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

Decent Essays

John Marshall: The Most Influential Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

In the beginning years of the United States Constitution, the Supreme Court was a struggling institution due to the lack of effectiveness of the Chief Justices and was not highly regarded by the executive and legislative branches of the government. The third Chief Justice in only twelve years, John Marshall put an end to the Supreme Court’s lack of influence after his appointment by President John Adams in 1801. John Marshall was the most influential Chief Justice of the Supreme Court because he was the first to make it a just and effective establishment that was equal to the two other branches of government by his court rulings and policies.

Through his …show more content…

This was significant because it declared the Supreme Court as the end of the line on any court cases and that once a ruling was made, that would be the end of it.

In Fletcher v. Peck, Marshall made the first ruling declaring a state legislative act as unconstitutional. This was a step towards states’ rights versus the federal government. The importance of this is that nine years later states’ rights would again come up. Through bribery, the Georgia legislature granted 35 million acres to private speculators. Through its next legislature, it cancelled the transaction due to public objection. The Supreme Court ruled that the grant was a contract and that it could not be overruled or impaired. This case ruled in favor of all property right holders against popular pressures and clarified the meanings of grants and contracts for future rulings.

Marshall’s next case was one of the most important during his term, as it has remained lucid ever since. McColloch v. Maryland was the first case in which a state attempted to assert authority over the federal government. In 1819, the state of Maryland attempted to abolish a branch of the Bank of the United States by imposing taxes on its notes. The final ruling declared that the bank was constitutional by invoking the Hamilton Doctrine of Implied Powers. In ruling this, the power given to the federal government was made distinct and in doing

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