
John Milton Satan Quotes

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Paradise Lost is a re-telling of the well-known story of Adam and Eve. John Milton begins Paradise Lost by formally stating his poem’s subject: humankind’s first act of disobedience toward God and the fall of humanity which followed after. The act is Adam and Eve’s consumption of the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, which is told in Genesis, the first book of the Bible. However, their actions were in response to a serpent’s trickery. According to many Christian traditions, this serpent is Satan, the angel who rebelled against God and fell from heaven to hell where he became pitted against God and all humanity. However, in Paradise Lost, Milton complicates this set role of Satan. Milton’s Satan is an extraordinary and majestic figure that we find difficult to avoid feeling sympathy towards, and impressed by his pride and leadership skills. (unafraid of being damned eternally, prideful, a strong leader, comparable to the size of a Titan, and ingeniously develops his own heaven out of hell.) We can argue that …show more content…

However, he is also the most likeable character in Paradise Lost. OK, maybe likeable is going a bit too far, but many readers of the poem have found it difficult to not identify with him and to avoid sympathizing with him. When he wakes up in Hell, chained to a burning lake, how can we not feel a bit sorry for him (put sad quote of him chained to the lake). All Satan wanted to achieve was to overthrow God, which is impossible anyways because God has universal power. But he doesn’t give up when he fails/falls. (find quote about Satan destroying humanity) this is a another admirable trait that Satan has because he wont give up once he starts something, he goes and finishes it. A lot of readers can identify with him because it is a characteristic we see in

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