
John Minter Female Body Analysis

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I acknowledge that the male gaze is present in our modern society and it is what influences our fashion industry to produce imagery that contains visually desirable female bodies. However, what I wish to put forth is that the female body portrayed in my work is used as a beautiful vessel that contains psychological human depth and emotions revealing a multi-faceted human being. By distorting my work I challenged the critiques and conversations during my senior year which encouraged me to break through from beauty and fashion aesthetic in order to get closer to a more conceptual, psychological realm. By breaking through, I put forth what I am most interested in, the psychology of the visceral. Beauty is just a tool to draw the viewer into my …show more content…

She exhibits women as beautifully attractive but also with a psychological twist that is distressing. Her paintings photographs and videos are an important exploration of women beauty that is concentrated on human appetite, sexuality and the grotesque that forms the darker, more complicated psychological aspect. Therefore this poses an important question of beauty in relation to psychology. Through the use of the beauty of the physical and expression of sexuality, Minter puts forth internal aspects that reflect inner feelings. It is simultaneously appealing and repulsive, all happening at the same time, bringing out a grotesque effect on the viewer. Indeed, one can describe her work as being beautifully disturbing. Minter engages in the use of color in all of her works, as a prominent feature to express various emotions. Through the use of color, she is able to bring out the superficiality of beauty while at the same time reflecting the various psychological distress Marilyn, Minter. Green Pink Caviar. Gregory R. Miller & Co. …show more content…

I find Minter's work utterly compelling as she reveals visual pleasure in which visceral depiction of appetite and desire is luring the viewer in such a powerful manner. In a color HD video dance performance, Neptune (2018,) I utilize high contrast colors and the body in motion to lure in the viewer and to evoke visual pleasure. On top of that, I wrote a script to evoke a dialogue between two beings. I sought to represent a lucid dream featuring the hedonistic and surreal. Neptune is a fusion combining improvisation and a choreographed dance between two spirits from different "planets". The study of stars in astrology is a fascinating tool which I use to discuss the psychology of behavior and personalities. The main character represents a Pisces sign from Neptune. She reveals the traits of the subconscious, intuition and dreaminess that is directly linked to the Pisces water sign tendencies. The second character is a Gemini sign from Mercury, the planet of communication. this character has a feel of an air sign, unemotional, inquisitive, speedy quick on her feet, and curious. Through her questions, the Neptune's persona is unfolded for the audience.

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