
John Muir Preservationism

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Conserving means to “protect (something, especially an environmentally or culturally important place or thing) from harm or destruction.” John Muir, a famous preservationist is someone I agree with completely, his idea of preservationism is the best way to help our earth. Not damming Hetch Hetchy Valley was what really drew me into him. He believed that politicians were using nature as a way to get material gains. Muir believed that nature should be protected and should be kept beautiful. He states at one point that "everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to body and soul alike.” (Who was John Muir? “The Sierra Club") He’s saying that beauty is just as crucial …show more content…

John believed that turning places into national parks would be a great way to conserve them, this allows for wild life and plants to be monitored and kept under control. With his great love for the idea of national parks, came a lot of pro’s for the environment. Biodiversity plays an important role in national parks, biodiversity helps to keep environments clean and healthy for wild life. It allows for climate regulation, pollination and water purification. Yosemite National Park was one of Muir’s creates accomplishments. He first traveled there in 1868 an loved the beauty and scenery so much that he decided to come back the next year and get a job as a rancher. Soon he became very concerned about natural landscape preservation. John Muir, being a preservationist, makes him the most admirable choice because he believed in protecting wild places for the sake of people and the sake of the well being of the earth. Pinchot, Muir’s opposite, believed that conservation went hand in hand with development and that damming Hetch Hetchy would improve supplies in San Fransisco. The difference between conservationism and preservationism is that most times conservation focuses more on the needs of human beings. Preservationism is more focused on maintaining where the earth is at the time and the areas that are touched by humans. This idea helps to stop the invasion of human beings taking over open land and making them into farms and industries for developmental gain. This means that whatever we can preserve now, we can have in the future. A balance between the two would be difficult because of how strongly these opposing sides feel about the environment and what should be done in its best interest. I don’t feel that a balance is possible because a lot of times human needs are the reason for natures destruction such as knocking down forests for paper, and building dams to help increase a water supply. Not only do these human needs take away

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