
John Steinbeck 's Of Mice And Men

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Of Mice and Men Characterization Essay People who are different can often feel discarded by society, leaving them with problems such as loneliness or depression. These outcasts may become desperate for companionship. Sadly, the differences of these individuals are rarely accepted, leaving them in a vicious cycle of rejection. Lennie Small is considered daft by many who read the novel, and his dissimilarities from others are the building blocks to his not-so-happy ending. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck it would be easy to say that Lennie is simple minded, but he is also autophobic; meaning he fears being alone. Lennie’s actions are consistently imbecilic all through the novel. When George is talking to Slim about how he used to treat Lennie he says, “Why he’d do any damn thing I tol’ him. If I tol’ him to walk over a cliff, over he’d go” (40). The notion that Lennie’s supposed friend, maybe even guardian, could do something so malicious is disturbing to say the least. George knows Lennie is too half-witted to take care of himself, yet he plays these tricks on him. Lennie’s endless trust in George is extremely imprudent, considering he would fall to his death according to George’s instructions.
In his conversation with Slim, George mentioned, “I’ve beat the hell outta him, and he could have bust every bone in my body, jus’ with his han’s, but he never lifted a finger against me” (40). George obviously got some sort of sick pleasure from taunting Lennie for his idiocy.

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