In The Giver, Jonas was a young man who was different from his others classmates as he had been selected to be the new Receiver of Memory. This task was very challenging for Jonas at first because it required plenty of hard work, dedication, and courage as well. Definitely, distant from being an honor, it was a punishment for Jonas for being selected as the new Receiver. At the beginning of his training with the Giver, he had problems adapting to his new lifestyle for three reasons. Jonas renounced to his old activities, his responsibilities increased, and he couldn’t talk to anyone about his conversations with the Giver. Since Jonas was chosen to be a Receiver, he stopped doing certain activities he used to do for fun that was part of his daily assignments. As Jonas spent most of his time of training with the Giver, he had no longer had enough time to work as a volunteer. Before Jonas was selected to be the new Receiver of Memory, he used to spend more time with his family and bathe the elderly along with his friend Fiona. ‘’ Your turn Larissa. I’ll just start the water and then help you up.’’ (Lowry, 38). Every time Jonas bathed the elderly, he felt excited to work as a volunteer because he liked to help other people who needed help. …show more content…
In fact, he had long hours of training every day in order to understand the memories given and try to find with it, the truth of each of them. Additionally, as he spent long hours of his time in training, with time he end losing his friends as well. Fiona said: ‘’ I looked for you yesterday…so we could ride home together…I waited for you for a little while. But it was getting late, so I went home.’’ (Lowry, 113). Fiona waited for Jonas to end his conversations with the Giver; however, as the hours passed, she knew he wouldn’t spent time with her. Therefore, she preferred to leave him alone so Jonas could concentrate on his
Despite the fact that he could be killed if he was caught. Jonas also wanted to release the memories into the community to make it a better place. Jonas looked to The Giver for advice, and The Giver was almost like a father to him. Jonas normally followed the rules of the community for what was right and what was wrong except when he ran away. Jonas learned that the rules of the community were harsh, once he had his knowledge he got from The Giver, he kind of made his own rules. The Giver shows lots of moral courage because he helped Jonas run away despite the potential consequences of getting released. Also the Giver took the risk of giving Jonas the memories when the previous receiver ran away because the memories were too much and then those memories were lost. The Giver has all the knowledge from the previous generations so he uses that to decide what is right and
To begin, the elders set apart Jonas and give him the prestigious job of “Receiver of Memory.”
In the complex argument of whether Jonas dies or lives, it is clear that he had fallen into the grave. The text states that Jonas saw a light and felt warmth: “But somewhere ahead, through the blinding storm, he knew there was warmth and light.” The glowing in which Jonas sees is the luminous heaven and the warmth in which he feels is just the embrace of dying and drifting off to the afterlife. The text also states that Jonas was beginning to feel weak and faint, “Using his final strength, and a special knowledge that was deep inside him, Jonas found the sled that was waiting for them at the top of the hill. Numbly his hands fumbled for the rope.” He didn't have any strength left which means that Jonas could not get up and keep moving forward
Jonas’ has had a variety of interesting experiences throughout the book. The Giver by Lois Lowry is about Jonas and he goes through many changes in his life with some help from the Giver. Jonas’ experiences develop a theme over the course of The Giver by teaching the reader for every action there is a consequence. Although some readers may believe that there will not be a consequence, Jonas’ experiences show that there are good and bad consequences for everything you do.
In the novel “The Giver,” written by Lois Lowry, Jonas is a boy who follows the rules, spends time with friends and family, goes to school, and at the Twelves Ceremony is given the job as the Receiver of Memory. At the end of the novel, Jonas learns information that makes him leave the community to save the people he loves. As Jonas becomes older, he acknowledges that he is different from his family and the people surrounded by him. Once Jonas got his assignment as the Receiver of Memory, his maturity became inconsistent throughout the novel.
Jonas shows he is a good person not by following rules blindly, but by doing what he feels is right. The Receiver of Memory is someone who stands out from the rest. In a community that is built off of Sameness, that is quite a lot to ask. When searching for the new Receiver to train, the community elders need to be sure that the person has integrity and can make moral decisions on their own.
In my opinion, Jonas left the community because of the memories and the reality presented to him by The Giver. After realizing the truth, he wanted to alter the perspectives of the citizens in the community by releasing his memories, he believed that the way people lived without any knowledge of the world surrounding them was wrong, and wished to live a more meaningful life when he left.
Jonas has an elaborate relationship with his Mom,Dad and his Sister(Lily). In the book The Giver Jonas likes his parents and has been with them for a long time, but when Jonas met the Giver he saw a different perspective of his parents and Lily. The reason Jonas has a new perspective of his parent is because , the Giver showed him how to have feelings and show love. When Jonas came home that day from training he asked his parents do you love me then his mom said Jonas better choice of word and then his dad explained why
In the story, the wise old man is the Giver. The Giver’s mind is filled with good and bad memories. He is in charge of holding the memories from the community to avoid pain or suffering. He is the only one that is allowed to break certain rules. His power cannot be “given” to anyone except for a special person selected by the Elders. Jonas is that special person, he is the “receiver of memory”. So, the giver’s mission is to “give” Jonas the power of receiving all the memories. Also, he must share all his knowledge with Jonas so he can become the new “giver” in the community.
Jonas goes through a lot while receiving the memories from The Giver. He first gets happy memories such as the sled, but then The Giver has to give him painful memories. He first receives the memory of physical pain from sunburn (Lowry 86). The pain is minimal compared to the memory of a broken leg (Lowry 109) and an injured arm during a war. During the war memory, he sees death (Lowry 119, 121). He experiences grief when he receives the memory the shot elephant (Lowry 100). Most haunting of all are the memories of the release of old and the part his father plays in the release of new born (Lowry 150). These trials at first horrify Jonas but he learns to deal with the
In Jonas society, nobody knows any information about anything. The elders, who are in the Giver’s community, believe that no community members except for them and the Receiver of memory should know all the information. Even in the beginning of the training, Jonas thought that he had to protect people from wrong choices. But, the Giver agreed that it was safer. Jonas was getting mad about how the memories couldn't be shared with everyone, so he decided to run away on his bike with Gabe. They decided to make a plan to leave. The Receiver and Gabe left the community together. Life is full of color, even though life was remained in this society, it was not colorful. All the bad days and good days were very valuable to
In The Giver Jonas’s life flashed before him as became to feel happier, “Memories of joy flooded through him” (223). He started to remember his life back in the community. He remembers his family, his sister
Starting the story, Jonas receives his assignment at the Ceremony of 12. He was chosen to be the receiver of memory. Jumping forward to his training, an old man named,¨The Giver¨ transmits memories for Jonas to cherish. He was told he will experience joy, happiness, loneliness and most importantly, pain. Beginning his training, Jonas lays on a couch for The Giver to lay his hand on his back to transmit Jonas´s first memory. It was very joyful. As an
“’Memories are forever”’ (Lowry). People make new memories every day without even realizing it. Some good some bad, that’s just the way of life, but in The Giver nobody knows what happened before them. People barley remember what their childhood was like, they don’t understand the importance of memory and that memories are forever. Aspects of life, rules, and prosperities between our world and Jonas’ world are very different yet have some similarities. Things that are crucial to the characters in The Giver are not as meaningful to the people in our world.
In The Giver, Jonas is singled out to receive special training to become the next Receiver of Memory. This assignment is very rare and special. Jonas's assignment as Receiver of Memory is an honor, not a punishment. There's only one person who is selected, it means he many good qualities, he receives good memories, not just painful ones.