
Jonathan Swift's Gulliver in the Land of the Houyhnhnms Essay

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Jonathan Swift's Gulliver in the Land of the Houyhnhnms

In the last voyage in Jonathan Swift's book Gulliver's Travels, "A voyage to the country of the Houyhnhnms," Swift describes his idea of an ideal society. There are many examples provided in this part of the book to convince the reader that Swift is indeed illustrating his idea of a utopia. By using horses as the most reasonable creature, Swift not only defaces human society by making a beast a more powerful creature, but also shows that humans are unable to attain this perfectly reasonable society.

The society that the Houyhnhnms live in is unlike any society known to man. The Houyhnhnms are perfect in the way they live their lives; they are always doing what is best for …show more content…

Gulliver explains the idea of war to the Master Houyhnhnm, and it is hard form him to understand the significance of it and why it would ever be needed. This idea can be shown in the following quotation: "The Houyhnhnms, indeed, appear not to be so well prepared for war, a science to which they are perfect strangers, and especially against missive weapons," (236). Gulliver tries to justify the causes of war and attempts to explain this idea to the Houyhnhnms, who can not grasp the concept of why such a thing would ever be necessary. The Houyhnhnms do not even have a word to describe such evil, as it is not something that exists in their world. The Master listens to all of Gulliver's stories and decides that humans are not unlike the Yahoo's after all. The Yahoo's are characterized by their greed and selfishness throughout the book, and humans are viewed to be of the same nature.

Swift thinks that the Houyhnhnm society is the ideal society; for this revealed by the way that he shows Gulliver wanting to become just like them. Swift does not like the European culture which is very different from that of the Houyhnhnms. Swifts major focus is on reason and thinks that a completely reasonable society would be a perfect one; which is what the Houyhnhnm society revolves around. Swift is always pointing out faults in humans and how they are not as perfect as the Houyhnhnms,

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