
Joseph Stalin : The Dictator Of The Ussr

Good Essays

Joseph Stalin

English II
Mrs. Galloway

Dylan Kronk
24 February 2017

Dylan Kronk
English II
Galloway 6th
24 February 2017

Joseph Stalin (Rough Draft) Joseph Stalin was the dictator of the USSR, formerly known as Russia. Joseph Stalin did many good things that made the USSR what it is today. The USSR is one of the world’s many super powers. Joseph Stalin was a dictator who forcefully kept control, killed his people, persecuted, and westernized Russia. Although Stalin did some good to the country, he did great bad. Joseph Stalin was one of the worst dictators of the world. To start, a dictator is a ruler who forcefully has complete control over a country. A dictator can either get their power through …show more content…

He adopted the name Koba, after a fictional Georgian outlaw-hero, and joined the more militant wing of the Marxist Social Democratic movement, the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin. Stalin also became involved in various criminal activities, including bank heists, the proceeds from which were used to help fund the Bolshevik Party. He was arrested multiple times between 1902 and 1913, and subjected to imprisonment and exile in Siberia.” So, all of the things Stalin executed or sent people to camps for were things he did in his past. Joseph Stalin did some good. Russia was years behind the rest of the world. They had missed out on the Renaissance. They could not trade because they lacked a warm water port, and the ones they had were frozen every year. But Stalin tried to solve these problems by creating five-year plans. A quote from says, “Joseph Stalin launched a series of Five-Year Plans intended to transform the Soviet Union from a peasant society into an industrial superpower”(Joseph Stalin- These plans were to westernize Russia at fast rates. They set high quotas in industries like coal, oil, and steel( The quotas weren 't often met, but the plans brought great industrial success. This success came at great costs. Stalin’s Five-Year Plans focused everything on industry and not the people. They cut the production

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