
Judaism, Christianity, And Islam

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Some people may think that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are three completely different religions. But if you take a better look into these religions, you begin to see that altogether, they are simply three different variations of one story. Let 's start with how and where these different but similar religions worship. Muslims worship in Mosques, with separated areas for men and women. Based off of the class trip to the ICC mosque in Des Plaines, a worship takes around 15-20 minutes and is said mostly in Arabic. The prayer service at the mosque seems to be the most organized, yet it is also the most laid back. When people come in, they are aware of what they have to do and how they are expected to act. If people come in late, they do not distract anyone else, and quietly go to the back of the mosque. Although the mosque is an option for prayer, Muslims can pray outside of a Mosque as well, as long as they are facing Mecca. In terms of worship technicalities, Judaism is a little bit different, as they don 't separate men and women. Additionally, they pray in a something similar to a Mosque, a Synagogue. Although they don 't face Mecca like the Muslims do, they face the Ark. At the JBBG synagogue that was visited, all of the pews are facing the altar and the Ark. In one of the smaller study rooms in the building, all of the chairs are facing the smaller Ark that is in the room. During a worship,the Torah is spoken in Hebrew, but almost everything else is spoken in

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