
Judge Rules NYPD: Stopping The Driver's Car

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From the very first paragraph of article « Judge Rules NYPD… », which speaks about the police illegal practice of searching the criminal activity suspects, through the methodology of stopping the driver’s cars. It’s immediately sent me back to the Sandra Blanc’ case, which I used, as an example during my response to the Module 3 question. And, I wonder, how everything is connected.
Here, in this research paper, I will try to find a decent reply for the principal questions and provide an appropriate supporting research for my argumentation, which I will take from the reading of this class.
Consequently, Introduction my investigation will consist of three parts, and Conclusion.

It is very important, step by step, to make a presentation …show more content…

On the other side, the article speaks about « the indirect racial profiling ». I ask myself a question, is it a profiling, which indirectly related to the race? And I do know the answer from the begging, I just need to find the scientific valuables and valid explanations, as well as the reasons, which contributed to this racial difference. And, the riposte (feedback) of the minority society to the police discrimination.

Part III.
Consequently, I would say that the public vision of this difference is a mirror of the media representation of racial situation and its influence of the spectator unconscious. So here, in the Part III of this research paper, I will try to depict the situation related to the role of the Media in US society, and in particular the case of police illegal car check. Taking as the example the program I just saw by the end of the last week, but which can be just a good research case example of media influence on the spectator unconscious.

The conclusion Will be based on the 2 principals questions, and mostly on the comeback for those questions.

The first one, will be:
Does the opinion of the police about their « illegal drivers stopping activity » is …show more content…

Correspondingly, I will after reading of this course, i do not have any more doubts about the police particular treatment of the racial minorities. I will hardly, believe, that police will treat the same way the black and the white driver of the stopped car.

as a

« As more researchers have desegregated models of crime by race, they have generated research on the « racial invariance » question: whether Whites would exhibit the same crime rates as Black if Whites faced the same structural disadvantages as Blacks.
Some recent city-level analyses support the assumption of race invariance, while others do not… Researchers have long argued that UCR arrests data by race probably reflect a mixture of actual criminal behavior and the processing decision made by police. » « ( Gary Lafee, M O’Brien, and E. Baumer, « Is the Gap between Black and White Arrest Rates Narrowing? »Chapter 10, 184, 185 ).

So, I would like to summarize here after giving Lafee quotation, we can say that police has a very strongly developed bias agains Black- delinquent, White- not criminal, which helps them to proceed to the realization of their every day duty

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