
Judicial Review : An Intrinsic Necessity

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Submissions to the High Court Regarding

Judicial review is an intrinsic necessity to the Australian Government and is a critical aspect in enforcing accountability of both the legislative and executive branches. Essentially, the actions of constituent legislative and executive branches are subject to review, regardless of these governmental counterparts holding authority exceeding that of the judiciary. In fact, a number of provisions for judicial review are upheld by the Australian Constitution itself, confirmed valid in a multitude of case law. Plaintiff s157 of 2002 v Commonwealth highlights the “minimum provision for judicial review” entrenched in the Constitution under s75. The case goes on to state that “under the Constitution of …show more content…

Sections 7 and 24 and a Representative Democracy

Both of the plaintiff’s in this case identified as ‘politically active’; this statement makes is unclear as to what extent this involvement is. It can be inferred that these running candidates had pre-established campaigns and it is likely that they had developed some form of public support. The amendment to the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918-2015 would immediately prevent these people from being nominated for election in either house of parliament. Clearly, this in in violation of a number of implied constitutional rights, particularly that of what is implied under s24 and 7. Under s24, The Australian Constitution explicitly states that the House of Representatives will be composed of members ‘directly chosen by the people of the Commonwealth.’ Ideally, the creators of the Constitution thus intended that the House of Representatives be representative of majority opinion in its entirety. Section 7 follows along the same lines in that the Senate ‘shall be composed of senators for each State, directly chosen by the people. Thus, the exclusion of those who may hold public favour is strongly in opposition of the implied rights acknowledged in s24 on the basis that doing so would not constitute a

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