
Judith Wright Poetry Essay.Doc

Decent Essays

Judith Wright Poetry Essay: All great poets evoke emotional and intellectual responses from their readers. Judith Wright is one such poet as she uses a wide range of appropriate language and poetic techniques to challenge the responder with complex ideas, such as the inherent flaws in our nature and the folly of chasing total perfection in Eve to her Daughters, challenging the individual to question their role in a post-Edan world. The idea of finding our individual place in the world is again apparent in Remittance Man which despite its distinctly Australian feel evokes strong emotion in a wide range of audiences challenging them to think about whether or not it’s a person place in the world that truly defines who they are. In both …show more content…

Eve encourages women to take over and re-connect mankind with its spiritual side. But then doubts they can “But you are my daughters, you inherit my own faults of character” she softly rebukes other women but acknowledges it’s not that simple “faults of character have their own logic and it always works out.” Judith Wright continues to challenge the responder with the idea that perfection itself does not exist or cannot ever really be gained “perhaps nothing exist but our faults?” Wright uses this rhetorical to make the responder wonder what price will humanity pay for it’s pride-fullness it’s believe in the attainment of perfection question whether mankind needs to have a spiritual to its existence and the folly of throwing that away. “He has turned himself into God who is faultless and doesn’t

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