
Jug Week Speech

Decent Essays

"L-A-U-R-E-L!" "TIGERS!" The chants, the screams, the sound of apprehensive fans surrounded the stadium. The aroma of popcorn & nachos filled the air. Finally, it was Friday night. The night everyone craved throughout the year was finally here. It was one of the biggest games we could've ever played; the brown jug game against Hattiesburg. Hattiesburg & Laurel have been in a frenzy for years & tonight was the moment of redemption and truth. Our confidence was high and so was our pride. There is no way we could lose this time or so we thought... but before I tell you about that, I have to tell you about how it all started.
Jug Week! Jug Week! Oh yes, Jug week was here. The school was excited, seniors were thriving, cheerleaders were pumped for the upcoming game. Everything was set and ready to go. We had the skills. We had the determination. What team could stop us? Coming from a win the previous week, I guess you could say we were pretty cocky. Social media was buzzing about the game, even the WDAM News came and interviewed students and players on their thoughts about the game. The entire school was anxious. The pep rally set the tone for the night. The football players' energy combined with the band and student body was through the roof. The boys chanted on their way to the field house, "We Ready, We Ready for y'all! "
It was time. Game Time. Everything was almost dream like. The cheerleaders walked through the fence with fierce eyes and high pride. A sea of maroon and

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