
Julia Coworkers

Decent Essays

Starting a new job often brings nervousness toward all the unknowns. Past experience often plays into these feelings and can cast a dark shadow over the doors of the new workplace. This is true for Julia, who experienced much interpersonal turmoil amongst her former coworkers and starts her new job at a large technology firm next week. To make this transition easier, below will be specific things Julia should do to build good relationships with her coworkers and also things she should not do. In addition to what is called workplace etiquette such as guarding confidence by not gossiping, dealing with fairness and honesty, do your share of the work, and respect others, there are a few other behaviors that Julia will find helpful in building relationships with her new coworkers. First, following through on your promises goes a long way in building trust, especially as …show more content…

Your coworkers do not want to be around a proud person who cannot recognize when they mess up. Thus underscoring the same attitude is giving credit to whom it is due for their contributions. You do not want to be known for taking the ideas of other people or not recognizing those who got you where you are, no one will be helping you on the next project if you start with that attitude. These two behaviors will assist in showing Julia’s new coworkers that she is a trusted person. The beginning of any relationship begins with trust so creating this as a broad foundation will gain favor with her coworkers. Further, humility shows Julia is teachable and wants to work with them and make them successful. Giving credit where it is due will not be seen as false humility as she couples it with owning up to her mistakes. Coming in as one who does not know how their system works, it will pay great dividends to let them teach her the ropes instead of assuming how everything

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